The Fear of Man and Writing

 A reader wrote in recently and asked:

“Did the fear of man ever used to cripple you from writing? It’s weird and new for me to say this but I’m an aspiring blogger and have noticed this a stumbling as I’m beginning. Thank you for any advice you can give.”

Yes. As a matter of fact in 2007 I began writing and the fear of man not only crippled me but completely halted me from writing. I was afraid I would be judged. I was afraid I’d get it wrong. I was afraid that I’d offend others. I was scared.

What I realized was my fear of man, though manifesting itself in writing at the time, had marked my walk with God.  For me it was often that I wouldn’t say what I thought or perhaps I would say it, but only to my dearest friend.

Fear of man is known in Scripture as a snare (Proverbs 29: 25). A snare is a trapping device that is often consisting of a noose! I picture an animal in its natural territory being captured by hunters. They seize the animal and joke it, killing it. That’s the fear of man to me. It chokes out the life in you. It muzzles you or worse, you aren’t muzzled you are freely speaking but instead of sharing the real you, you say what others want to hear. Even Peter who walked with Christ and was one of his disciples denied him three times because of his fear of man (Matt 14:66-72).

Caring deeply about what others think can be damaging and bring great despair. At least that was my case.

Here’s the good news, Christ sympathizes with our weakness. He was tempted. He wants to free you from the bondage of people pleasing and is interceding even now on your behalf (Heb 4: 14-16). Just as He sees me as clothed with Christ’s righteousness, if you have placed your trust and faith in the finished work of Christ on the Cross, you too are viewed by God as righteous! He’s already pleased with us! There’s nothing better than that!

A few ways I fight:

  1. Remember Jesus. During those moments when I am tempted to want to write for the acceptance of others, I remember Christ. I have been transformed by his blood. I want to write because I want others to know Christ. I have to remember him. I have to remember the gospel and preach to myself so that I remember why I am writing.

  2. Embrace my obscurity. If I said I wrote for myself I would be lying. Sure, I write as a way to sort through my thoughts and I write because I love to write. But I write because I also want others to know God. I do not write for myself only. What I must be content with is the five to ten folks who read my writing consistently. If I focus on numbers then I am no longer writing for the glory of God. I have to be okay with my obscurity. As I realize how unknown I am it gives me freedom to enjoy writing for the audience of One. And what do you know, someone wrote about obscurity. The link is provided above.

  3. Be an Influencer. If I am going to write for God’s glory, one thing I must continually cultivate is a fear of the Lord. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and I want to write in such a way that is wise.  I also can’t surely grow in killing the fear of man without pressing in towards God and fearing Him. But the fear of the Lord also motivates me to think before I post because I want to be an influencer. I want to direct others towards Christ in my writing. I want others to leave what I write, as much as possible, more aware of God’s goodness and grace or challenged to know Him in new ways. That would be my desire. Pastor John Piper shared an incredibly encouraging podcast about this and I urge anyone who is writing to listen HERE.

  4. Be okay with weakness. Where I currently fear man most with writing is with grammar. I second guess every sentence I write. It can be terrifying to me. I’m okay with my weakness. But that doesn’t mean I have to remain weak. I can grow and learn, which I am trying to do. But I need to understand that I am not and will never be a perfect writer. I am far from it. God has given me a gift but with all things, I am limited. So along with embracing my obscurity I am learning to embrace my weakness. When I am weak, he really is strong!

So, yes, the fear of man crippled me but by the grace of God I am learning to push through my weakness, repent of fearing what others think, and write. When I look back at 2007 and see how much the Lord was growing me and molding me, I can only look forwards to his future grace with great anticipation of more change, more nearness to him, more death of self. I believe God is going to finish the good work He began in me. He will do the same in you.




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