It’s Scary–But I Write

I sit down and I write. Fear sets in and I write. I write because I love to write. I write because I believe I’m called to write and yet I’m terrified—to write. I write and the voice begins to talk to me. “You aren’t good enough,” she says with her deadly arrows to my heart. “You don’t know enough.” “You aren’t qualified.” “You can’t do it.” I listen to the voice in my head and I write. Then I tell myself.

I’m good enough because He is good enough. I don’t know enough but I will learn and that’s why I continue to write. If I don’t start I’ll never be qualified– so I write. I can do all things through God who gives me strength.

Despite all of our inadequacy we write. We write to bring glory to God. We write to encourage our friend. We write because it’s an outlet. We write because we have something to say and God has given us a voice. Whatever the reason, keep writing. I write sometimes just to push through the fear of writing and as a display of my utter dependence and trust in God. It’s terrifying to me at times but I believe it’s a ministry—so I write.




Reformed African American Network: An Interview with Phillip Holmes and Jemar Tisby


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