When writing and life meet

Over the past several weeks, we’ve read about or heard of prominent leaders leaving the faith. Some ministry leaders have decided to no longer follow Jesus. Some have decided they no longer believe. Others have fallen due to unrepentant sin. This isn’t anything new—people make these decisions often. But it has seemed to be a unique time. And over the past two years, I have been writing and editing a book on enduring in the faith, Sacred Endurance.

It’s not often that a writer shares the inner wrestling involved in the writing process. I wrote this book to serve you and me. I wrote this book because I have experienced enough trials and sorrows to know that this Christian walk is one filled with deep valleys and beautiful mountaintop highs. But what I couldn’t have known was that we’d be in a season where so many would be struggling to finish their race in such public and confusing ways.

So, what’s the wrestling I’m writing about?

I’ve been reluctant to share more about the book because I realize the weight of what I’ve written about. The topic is of utmost importance because it’s a matter of life or death. I want nothing more than to see everyone finish their race and finish it well, whether by crawling across the finish line or by leaping. But I believe with all my heart that no one wants you to finish well more than Jesus and as you will see through his Word, he has given us all we need. He has promised to finish the good work he began—he will surely do it.

But we are in confusing and difficult times. Circumstances aren’t easily explained away. And yet we have a God who is faithful. We know that Christ holds us fast. And if you don’t know this, I pray that the Lord would remind you and help you to remember through his Word and if he might use it, through the pages of Sacred Endurance.

In a few days, I will invite you to consider joining the launch team for Sacred Endurance. I’m looking forward to being a part of this community online. We will read through the book together, there will be times of prayer, I imagine there will be times when we will mourn, and there will also be times of rejoicing and enjoying all that the Lord has done and will do.

I have faith that we will make it. I am also praying that we will make it. And I am praying that the Lord might use this work, Sacred Endurance, to help in whatever way he chooses. I hope that the book is useful and helps you in this journey.

Be on the lookout on Thursday for more information.


To learn more about Sacred Endurance click below.




Don’t forget those who mourn


When the kids leave…