Don’t forget those who mourn

I think there is a problem with our responses to controversy. It isn’t that we respond, though many could argue reasons why our responses aren’t helpful. Rather, it’s that we move on so quickly.

Over the August 2 weekend, two cities experienced the evil of back-to-back mass shooting: first in El Paso, Texas, then in Dayton, Ohio. Our nation was reeling.

Last week, I couldn’t open up a social media site without seeing the words El Paso and Dayton. I knew in my heart then that many of us would write about it and call attention to the tragedy and then we’d move on.

Right now those communities continue to mourn and search for healing. Families have lost loved ones, children have lost parents, and historically safe and peaceful communities must now stay on alert. But the rest of us have moved on.

Obviously, we can’t carry the weight of every sorrowful and tragic situation that makes headline news. Our sites and conversations will naturally move on to other things—normal life must resume. And only Jesus can truly carry the burden of all the tragedies in the world.

But in all our uproars and emotional responses, my hope is that we remember real people are involved in these situations. If we feel that the tragedy is important enough to write about, speak about, or share on social media, may I suggest that we also tuck away in our private lives to pray for these communities? And to take action where possible?

I share more on The World And Everything in It:

Trillia Newbell: Mourn with those who mourn




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