The words we use to care well

Last week the ERLC hosted a national conference focused on sexual abuse and assault. The Caring Well conference was attended by over 1500 people. Overwhelming. That’s how I would describe witnessing a sea of laymen and pastors, counselors and caregivers, survivors and others pour into the conference. Emotions were high. There were moments of tears, laughter, and yes, grief. But one theme stood out to me: naming the abuse. Unfortunately, naming the offense can also start a war. Too often victims are shamed, not believed, and belittled.

As this conversation continues to grow in our churches, more sexual abuse survivors will come forward. And you and I will have a choice: Will we take the path of least resistance, or will we care well with our words?

I hope you’ll take a brief moment to listen or read my commentary this week on The World and Everything In It:




Introducing the Stories of Sacred Endurance Podcast


Will God really fight for you?