Introducing the Stories of Sacred Endurance Podcast

I’m excited to share with you about the Stories of Sacred Endurance Podcast. In conjunction with my book Sacred Endurance (releasing November 12) we’ve developed a podcast to take the biblical call to run the race with endurance and bring it to life with stories of modern day Christians.

We’ll hear about a young man who went to prison and was saved, a woman whose life was forever changed after diving into shallow water, the ordinary walk of a pastor and teacher, the story of a man who escaped from the prosperity gospel, and much more.

Join me as we listen and learn from those who are in this race of faith with us. Make sure to subscribe to Stories of Sacred Endurance wherever podcasts are available. But here are some quick links!

Apple podcasts

Google Play Music


More about the book

In the book I share that God promises to finish the good work he began in us—but that doesn’t come without bumps in the road. Life can be hard, faith can wane, and distractions abound. Too many today are at risk of compromising their integrity or giving up on their faith. How can we persevere to the end?

The race is hard, but you are not running it alone. Find strength and courage to endure and finish well in Sacred Endurance. We are excited to offer to podcast listeners 30% off and free shipping! Head over to and use the code SACRED30 for 30% off and free shipping to U.S. residents! Offer valid through the end of March 2020.

Hope you’ll grab the book and can’t wait for you to hear these encouraging stories of sacred endurance.




Join us (virtually) in Rwanda!


The words we use to care well