Productivity…to the glory of God

I’ve spent the last year reading books on habits and productivity (for fun, not for a project!) and John Piper’s thoughts in a 2016 article/podcast are a unique and a helpful addition to the advice out there. One major difference, that of course makes sense for a Christian hedonist, is that his focus in on how we can pursue our work to the glory of God without minimize the importance of work nor idolizing it. It’s a strategy to work that is both refreshing and edifying.

Here’s his 10 points:

  1. Throw Out Comparisons

  2. Focus on Great Possibilities

  3. Mind Your Seasons

  4. Find Your Life Goal

  5. Heed the Account You’ll Give

  6. Work Urgently

  7. Kill Half-Heartedness

  8. Press On

  9. Meet Hard Tasks with Joy

  10. Tether Christ to Your Calling

For more I highly recommend checking out the link:




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